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목록Computer Network (6)
** Web Caches Before we look at the web caches, let's first learn about the caches. The data stored in the caches is either a result of the previous operation or a copy of the data stored elsewhere. Computers can improve the performance of their systems by saving time to access actual data using cached data, or if it takes time to do so. Web caching is the activity of storing data for reuse, suc..
Flow control is that balances the sender’s rate of sending data with the receiver’s rate of properly receiving data. Why do we need TCP flow control? Flow control is required because the sender may wish to send data faster than the receiver can process it. This can happen if the receiving application is processing data slower than the sending application is generating it. Sender can not overrun ..
The TCP congestion-avoidance algorithm is the primary basis for congestion control in the Internet. Among the many algorithms of TCP connection control, I will explain TCP Reno. Simply says, if there are N redundant ACK, TCP Reno transmits the segment immediately and cut the Congestion Window size in half to perform the Congestion Avoidance with Fast Recovery Mode. However, if packet loss is hig..
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is protocol that manages how packets are routed across the internet through the exchange of routing and reachability information between routers. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and reachability information between autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet. The protocol is often classified as a pat..
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) refers to the next-generation Internet protocol as a protocol of the network layer. The Internet has been deployed with IPv4 protocols, but the limited address space of the IPv4 protocol(32 bits) occurs and the limit of the country's allocation of addresses is almost exhausted. As an alternative to this, IPv6 protocols have been proposed, international standard..
The Domain Name Server (DNS) is a fundamental component of the Internet: it maps host names to IP addresses (and vice-versa). DNS is a host name to IP address translation service. DNS is a distributed database implemented in a hierarchy of name servers. It is an application layer protocol for message exchange between clients and servers. 도메인 네임 서버. (1). Ask IP address for www.sejong.ac.kr to ISP..